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If you want to have a clean home, then it’s extremely important to learn how to clean a Shower Curtain as well. There are multiple methods that help you clean the Shower Curtain, all you have to do is to figure out what method works for you and go from there. Thankfully all these options work great, so the cleaning process will not be very long or tedious.

Hand washing

You can clean the Shower Curtain manually if you want to. The first thing you want to do here is to add baking soda to the dampened cloth. Now you will need to scrub the curtain with this solution in order for you to get the best possible results no matter what. Ideally you also want to rinse with some warm water, so try to take that into consideration if you want some extraordinary results in the end. Clean any stains that are still there and rinse the curtain at the end. This should be it. Even if you clean the Shower Curtain manually, that doesn’t mean the process has to be very complicated.

Machine washing

What you want to do at first is to place the shower curtain into the washing machine. But the trick here is to wash the Shower Curtain alongside a few towels. Those are designed to help protect the curtain, as it will have to deal with lots of pressure and it might even break at one point. Now you need to add some baking soda and detergent, then you are good to go in no time. Start the machine, make sure that you use bleach for the stains that are built up. Some people also like the idea of using vinegar, as this makes the entire cleaning cycle complete, and you totally want that to happen.

Things to consider

Every Shower Curtain will have a label on it. That says how you can clean it. If you’re not careful, you might end up with a few problems here and there. Which is why it makes a lot of sense to do everything you can and adjust or adapt to this entire process. For the most part it’s a great experience and one that has the potential to pay off immensely if you do everything the right way.

Doing some spot tests will help, as this will identify the nature of that spot. Then you can figure out the type of cleaning solution it will work in that situation. Avoiding any rush is actually a very important step, so try to consider that.

It’s not super hard to learn how to clean the Shower Curtain. But this is something you have to do on your own from time to time. Or you can just go the simple route and use the washing machine. Either system works, you just have to know how to make the most out of it if you really want to take care of your Shower Curtain in the future!